Nau mai Haere mai ki Te Rangitawaea e mihi atu nei.

Haramai hoki i te huatanga o te hunga kua mōnehu atu ki Te Po, haere ra koutou, moe mai ra. He maimai aroha he tangi no te ngakau. Tēna tatou e noho ora mai nei, Ngati Porou ki uta Ngati Porou ki tai. Tēna koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa.

Greetings and welcome to the website of Te Rangitawaea, the ICT (Information Communication Technology) strategy for all Ngati Porou East Coast Schools, from Potaka in the North to Waikirikiri in the south. The Te Rangitawaea strategy is a sub-project of E Tipu E Rea (ETER), the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou / Ministry of Education Partnership for schooling improvement. The vision for Te Rangitawaea is “to maintain Ngati Porou East Coast schools at the forefront of education innovation in ICT."

This website contains information about the strategy, the Te Rangitawaea Festival 2014 coming up on Wednesday 17th September. Breaking news and events related to the festival will be posted online so check back regularly to find out the latest developments.

If schools or students have any comments to make about this website or the festival please go to our forums page to add your korero.

Please enjoy looking through www.terangitawaea.com .